
Views From The Space-Ship: Step Into The Spot Like Woo!


Step Into The Spot Like Woo! What’s up, space-pigs. How are you? What’s populating your world(s)? It’s been a busy, busy week for me. I know, I know, no Monday Morning Commute. Busy Monday. So tired Tuesday that the laptop stayed in the bag when I got home. Wednesday I went to a concert. But I’m here, now! Watch me! Step Into The Spot Like Woo! This here, this right here, this right right here here? Desktop Thursday! The weekly wank-off where I show you my existence laid bare. Be it my virtualscape, my hellscape, my physicalscape. Everything and anything I’ve captured in the past seven days falls here.

I hope, friends. That you will. Step Into The Spot Like Woo! And share, oh please share, your own world(s) in the comments section!

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Views From The Space-Ship: It’s a lifestyle, baby


Oh shit! It’s an over-caffeinated view from my compartment in the Space-Ship. Been pounding Diet Dews and rewatching the Force Awakens trailer. Into infinity. But here is this shit. I forgot to do this post yesterday, seeing that I was drunk on turkey, but also drunk on drunk juice. Now, as I am the opposite of subdued, I shall post it in a mania. PER FUCKING USUAL, share the view from your own world i the comments.

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Views From The Space-Ship: Laffy Taffy Temporality


Jesus Christ. It’s been a week since I poked my head out of the hovel known as Port 6616 of the Space-Ship OMEGA? Crazy life the past seven days. Wrought with tension, anxiety, smiles, laughs, farts, poops, lesson plans, caffeine. I’m posting this just as a proof of life. Desktop Thursdays has transmogrified into something more accurate: View From The Space-Ship. Per usual I encourage everyone (if there’s anyone in these halls anymore) to share their own existential snippets.

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