
Blanka Boyz Episode 4: Mr. Lizard + Virtual Whoremongering


When I saw The Faux Bot tweet this morning that there was a new Blanka Boyz episode, I swerved right into fucking traffic. Hit the guard rail, rear-ended some dumb ass in his pristine BMW. Gave him the finger. Didn’t care.  Now it wasn’t because of Faux, I don’t want him to feel guilty. It was because I was reading Twitter while drinking a Diet Dew and barreling down the highway at 73 mph. But, still! I’m really fucking jacked for this latest installment. Shots at Ubisoft for being sexist pieces of shit. Lizard slithering. And Benjamin Santiago artwork. Fuck to the yes.

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BLANKA BOYZ EPISODE 3: Phil Fish ain’t a dick, he made FEZ!

Blanka Boyz Episode 3.

Ohhhhh, shit. The Faux Bot has fluttered down from his feces-covered throne (a fair sign of cultural supremacy in a local Dimension) and gifted us with the third episode of Blanka Boyz. Easily my favorite one yet, we get a gleaming look into the internal monologue of Phil Fish. I laughed. I cried. Then I laughed again at Phil Fish’s sideburns. Not only that, but there’s a review for The Swapper, what I think is the Taliban, and of course Mike Haggar.

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Oh shit! The first episode of The Faux Bot’s Blanka Boyz has arrived. Buckle up and prepare for it to fuck your eye-parts with 16-bit-32-bit-64-bit-Something-bit madness! It’s like Everything Is Terrible drained through a sock laced with seminal fluids and Super Nintendo parts.

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WORLD-FAMOUS ‘BLANKA BOYZ’ Teaser Trailer: Prepare your mind-anus.


Every once in a while, I stumble across a snippet of madness that speaks to the deep psychological chasms within me. The most latest find comes courtesy of our own Faux Bot. Behold the Blanka Boyz teaser trailer. Shrouded in mystery with its actual conceit a secret, I know not what this feature program-YouTube hallucination shall ultimately sport. What is clear to me however, is that whatever shall be birthed onto the slithering pipes of the Tubes shall rearrange our carnal knowledge (you don’t have it?) of the Faux forever. The Blanka Boyz are coming, and none of us can stop ourselves from getting wet.

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