
Dude behind ‘TRANSCENDENCE’ penning ‘BATTLESTAR GALACTICA’ movie script


You know, it’s been long enough since BSG ended that they can do pretty much anything with it in my eyes. The series ended, it is its own entity. So if Universal wants to hire the guy behind Transcendence which looks like a Pretentious Bullshit Rendition of Lawnmower Man to pen it, whatever. Maybe it’ll be good. Maybe it won’t. But it shant affect my love for RDM’s take.

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Bryan Singer claims his ‘BATTLESTAR GALACTICA’ movie can connect both TV series. Oh Singer. I f**king loathe you.

What the fuck is going on?! I completely forgot that Bryan Singer was bringing his nauseatingly unsubtle social commentary and general mediocrity to the Battlestar series. My fat skull has a resplendent ability to repress dire circumstances. Circumstances that leave me angrily spitting at my computer monitor, trying to exorcise the stupidity bring broadcast across it.

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