
Adam Sandler movies (and ‘Crouching Tiger 2’) being made for Netflix

Adam Sandler.

Apparently Netflix is getting into the fucking insipid movie business. The company has signed into a four-movie deal with Adam *Reference To A Movie From Years Ago* Sandler. Somewhat more positively, Netflix is giving life to a Crouching Tiger sequel. Which like the world didn’t ever need, but I suppose hey whatever positalk or whatever.

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Marvel courting ADAM SANDLER and JIM CAREY for ‘GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY’, pardon while I vomit.

They be Guardians and shit.

Sweet baby Zeus, what is going on here. If you believe the buzz around the Pop Culture Watering Hole, Marvel is courting two washed-up, unfunny since forever ago choads for Guardians of the Galaxy.

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