
Monday Morning Commute: claw. tooth. & nail.

claw. tooth. & nail.


What’s this weekly feature, you ask? Well, first I’m going to batter your brain with some drivel-fiction sci-fi nonsense. After that, I’m going to share some of the entertainment foodstuffs I’ll be devourin’ over the course of the week. Y’know, as a means of sustaining joy during the spirit-threatin’ workdays.

But wait! The best part is when everyone who isn’t me jumps into the comments section to share what they’ll be doing this week! So enough with the prelude, let’s go for it!

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Views From The Space-Ship: Orr We Could Just Puck It


This is Views From The Space-Ship.  Fuck, man. Busy couple of days. Barely touched the computer. Barely updated the site. So here. Snap back the veil, perceive the Reality of Caff. It’s nothing special. Like all, I aspire to transcendence, but should work towards accepting banality.

Share your own view of the world if you’re so inclined.

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