
THIS WEEK ON The Walking Dead – Judge, Jury, Executioner

Sound the alarm. It’s time for another 2min Redux of our favorite zombie infested soap opera, The Walking Dead. This week, lil Carl does his bad boy thang, while Dale politics to save Randall from certain execution. And if you can’t tell from the blatant visual foreshadowing, this episode goes all shyamalan at the end. So be warned. It’s about to go down…right after the jump.
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Last Week on The Walking Dead – Nebraska

Shit rolls downhill at OL. So being the new guy, not only am I relegated to writing pompous, over-worded  book reports about Kenny Powers & friends, but now I’ve also been tasked with summing up new episodes AMC’s The Walking Dead.  Since the show is literally  schmeared  in bullshit and really loud, repetitive commercials. I thought I might do everyone a favor and reenact what REALLY happened, without the agonizing tender moments that encompass 95% of the show. What’s left is my boyish take on a show that seems like it was intentionally made to drive me crazy.

Enjoy. Or don’t. Whatever.

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