
Gilliam’s ‘Zero Theorem’ Trailer: Solve For Existence

Zero Theorem

Terry Gilliam has punctuated moments in my life with unsettling, challenging, beautiful movies. One of my most vivid movie experiences was watching a shitty copy of Twelve Monkeys at the age of 11. The lack of catharsis and the themes presented quite literally kept me up that evening. Motherfucker was raw, and he definitely laced my formative-brain with oddity and subversion. So when a new movie of his drops, I’m stoked. Sprung. Zero Theorem is no different.

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‘ZERO THEOREM’ Official Trailer: The Waltz of Gilliam’s Future

Zero Theorem

All sorts of lame-as-fuck punning in that headline. Whatever. ‘Cause you know what? I have no idea what to say about Zero Theorem. Other than it looks awesome. What is it about? How hard will it bend my mind? I don’t know, but I want to find out.

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