
Nocturnal Transmission.

Finished Zero History by William Gibson tonight. Took me a good goddamn three months to wade through. Which is funny thinking about. On one hand, three months seems like an inordinate amount of time to finish a novel. On the other hand, the amount of occurrences that have built up since September seem voluminous.



The first three months of reading was dictated by school schedules. Or girlfriend schedules. Or if I’m being truthful, playing too many video games and slacking off online masturbating schedules. Yeah kid, you know, those schedules. The last week of the novel consumption was dictated by lack of desire to leave the Gibson-generated universe. A reluctance to bid adieu to a cast of characters that I first: sort of liked. That I second: felt to be flat and thin approximations for cool ideas. And thirdly: I loved, and loathed to leave.

But such is the way things go. If we’re all just people passing by, what does that make fictional people? Vastly different than us, or vastly similar? And if you really want to bum out, I have a feeling Hamlet is going to be hanging around a lot longer than the majority of us.

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