
Is “The Hunger Games” the future of writing? I sincerely hope not.

Okay, before I’m set upon by rabid Hunger Games  fans dressed in tribute uniforms brandishing axes and knives, let me clarify: we’re talking writing style, not content. I personally didn’t care for Suzanne Collins’ writing style; I get why she wrote the story the way she did, but it did nothing for me. I didn’t finish the first one and I have no desire to read the other two (blasphemy, I know). I tried, but I grew very bored very  quickly. Sparse writing like Collins’, in my opinion, is more suited for shorter works.

But some author I’ve never fucking heard of has weighed in and believes this stark, short, quick-punch style is the future of literature for the internet generation. The English major in me is weeping and flipping tables by turns.

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