
Watchmen’s Alan Moore and Mike Patton Form Supergroup. Fucking Unreal.

Mike Patton + Alan Moore + Demons = Yes.

This shit is so fucking amazing, it can only be the result of some sort of karmic justice paid forward to me. Welcome to 2010, where Absurd Rules the Domain Of All.

the guardian via robot 6:

However, the project has finally been confirmed. Patton and Broadrick are both attached to Unearthing, “a bewitching story written and narrated by Moore set against an epic score”. Although the soundtrack is led by Crook&Flail, a partnership between Fog’s Andrew Broder and rapper Doseone, there are a slew of cameos, including Hella’s Zach Hill and Mogwai’s Stuart Braithwaite. “It is about, uh, a co-worker of Alan’s and somehow seemingly about Alan himself,” Doseone told Pitchfork last year. “And it’s about the comic industry, the world of magic, the world we live in, the world we don’t live in.”

How do you fit this much fucking insanity and awesome onto one album? I have no idea. I can’t even wrap my head around this. It may be the worst shit ever, and I’m still there Day One.