
Official Photo Of Tom Hardy As Bane From ‘The Dark Knight Rises.’ Fap. Fap Hard.

Warner Bros. has released their first official image from ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ and it’s of Tom Hardy as Bane. My erection is so hard that my vision is swimming. The actual image is pretty cool, but what it all suggests though quite obvious – that this movie is fucking real and actually happening – has me losing my shit.

Hit the jump for the official image.

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Tom Hardy Talks About Playing Bane In ‘The Dark Knight Rises’

When it was announced that Tom Hardy was going to be in The Dark Knight Rises, I was fucking pumped. Dude has crazy acting chops, and he’s studly like woah. When it was announced that he was playing Bane, I was like, okay cool. There’s no consternation emanating from me regarding any choice that Nolan has for his final Batman. No sir. He’s earned the pass. Others wondered how he’d incorporate a muscle-bound 1990’s reject character into his mythos. They worried. They fretted.

I didn’t, I knew it would be his own unique spin on it. Tom Hardy confirmed such a sentiment today during an interview.

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