
Peter Jackson Announces Cast Of The Hobbit! I Feel Like I Should Care! But I Don’t!

Peter Jackson came out and announced the cast of The Hobbit today. I feel like I should be really jazzed, or excited, or something about this. Unfortunately, that something is apathetic. In fact, it took a good two minutes of “Ian, this is shit people care about, you should probably blather about it already!” to get me writing this. I’m not sure why I don’t, and I know I will be excited about the movie once trailers start dropping and the such. But for now? Mehcore. However!, here is the cast list, featuring the official confirmation of Martin Freeman, the dude from the BBC version of the Office as Bilbo.


Richard Armitage (MI-5, Captain America) as Thorin Oakenshield, leader of the Dwarves, whose grandfather ruled the Lonely Mountain settlement destroyed by Smaug.

Aidan Turner (Being Human) and Rob Kazinsky (EastEnders) as Kili and Fili, nephews of Thorin.

Graham McTavish (Secretariat) as Dwalin, blue-bearded, first to arrive at the home of Bilbo Baggins.

John Callen as Oin, skillful fire-maker. Brother of Gloin.

Stephen Hunter (All Saints) as Bombur, the fat, sleepy and slow member of Thorin’s company.

Mark Hadlow (King Kong) as Dori, strongest of the Dwarves, who carries Bilbo on his back at one point.

Peter Hambleton (The Strip) as Gloin, brother of Oin, initially suspicious of Bilbo’s worth, but eventually convinced. Father of Gimli from The Lord of the Rings.

Also returning are Sir Ian McKellan as Gandalf, and everyone’s nightmare, Andy Serkis as Gollum. Well there you go! Be excited, b-e excited for me.