
DAN HARMON and FOX working on deal for new comedy. TAKE THAT, DARKEST TIMELINE.

I’m not an asshole, okay? Well, I am. But I know that what made Community special was a coalescing of a variety of things, of which it’ll he hard to replicate. That said, how can I not get stoked that Danny Harmon is working on a new comedy with Fox?

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Monday Morning Commute: murder the cubs.

Old hands to the back, newcomers to the front. This here’s an introduction and I want to make sure there ain’t no damn confusion! My name is Rendar Frankenstein and I’m a hack-writer, born-again optimist, and caffeine junkie.

It ain’t a perfect life, but I like it just fine.

The quaint piece of scrap metal I’m currently tryin’ to lodge into your brain is the Monday Morning Commute! I’m goin’ to show you the various bits of entertainment I’ll be pouring milk over and chompin’ on in the hopes of warding off ennui-illness. Then, you hit up the comments section and tell us what you’ll be doin’ for esses and gees.

It’s a big, sweaty, nerd-based version of show’n’tell.

Let’s dance.

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