
‘Star Wars’ Spin-Off News: 2,500 actors have auditioned for Young Han Solo


Hey friends! Don’t forget! Once you’ve seen The Force Awakens and momentarily (I hope) basked in the glory that is a resurrected and beautiful WarStar franchise, remember that more movies are coming! Yes ma’am! Yes sir! Disney is going to take that momentary euphoria and proceed to wring all novelty out of it with an endless cascade of annual installments!

One of those aforementioned installments will center on a Young Han Solo, and my word is Disney being extensive in its casting of the actor to fill the role.

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JOSH TRANK (‘Fantastic Four’, ‘Chronicle’) directing ‘STAR WARS’ spin-off

Josh Trank

All the fucking Disney News! ALL OF IT. ‘Cause, you know. The Mouse owns Marvel and Star Wars, brewing up my childhood in a terrifying Mono-Culture Brew. After Dr. Strange’s directorial announcement yesterday comes today’s Star Wars spin-off reveal. THE MOUSE SHALL TAKE OUR MONEY AND DRINK OUR CULTURAL BLOOD.

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Yeah maybe these movies will be decent but I’m not feeling yet another set of origin stories in the Star Wars universe. I’d rather they throw us some Kenobi nuggets from when he was protecting Luke, or like, issuing destruction during the Clone Wars or whatever. I don’t need to see Han Solo find Baby Chewie.

(I’ll still love it probably okay fuck you.)

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