
WATCH: 2012 Annular Eclipse Video Made From 700 Individual Photos; Space ++

Behold this gorgeous video created by  Cory Poole, who combined 700 individual photos to make that bangin’ movement happen.

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Earth Eats The Sun In The Solar Eclipse.

Enlarge. | Via.

Oh shit! The motherfucking Erf is hungrrrrrrrry. Check it out as it takes a bite of the Sun. Munchin’ on plasma gets the heart beating like you wouldn’t believe. In all honesty, this is a picture snagged by  NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, and the reasons for it appearing the way it does is beyond me.

But not Phil Plait.

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Solar Eclipse From Space Shows Moon Reversing Direction. Wut?

This video of the solar eclipse is rad for several reasons. For starters, you can see some pretty righteous magnetic activity on the Sun’s surface. The Sun is spittin’ like a mad dragon, fiery hotness! Also, it features an optical illusion wherein the Moon appears to enter the scene, and then somehow, reverse direction.

Hit the jump for the video.

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NASA’s STEREO Spacecraft Gives Gorgeous Video Of Solar Eclipse.

Phil Plait over at Bad Astronomy posted a gorgeous video today of solar eclipse seen from NASA’s STEREO spacecraft.

In a previous post, Plait explained what NASA’s STEREO spacecraft was:

STEREO –  SolarTErrestrial  RElations  Observatory – they traveled in opposite directions, one ahead and the other behind the Earth in its orbit around the Sun. The goal was to get a wide, stereoscopic view of the Sun which would provide 3D information on our star.

Hit the jump for the video, and go here to read Plait’s more detailed description of STEREO.

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More Solar Eclipse Porn, Courtesy of Hinode. [Video.]

Hinode, NASA’s solar observatory caught the solar eclipse. Oh goodness, it’s a stunning sight. Over at Bad Astronomy, Phil Plait puts it into perspective,  saying the “cool thing is the size difference between the Sun and the Moon. The Sun is roughly 400x bigger than the Moon and 400x farther away, so they look about the same size in the sky. But the Moon orbits the Earth in an ellipse, and can change its distance to us by quite a bit, well over 10% – that means its apparent diameter as seen on Earth can change by 10% too.”

Hit the jump for the video. It’s sexy.

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Solar Eclipse Brings Death Star To Earth!


Since I’m a life long geek, everything is filtered through Star Wars and video game metaphors. So when I saw this picture of a solar eclipse taken by the Mir space station in 1999, all I could think was the daunting shadow of the most famous planet obliterator. Earth about to go Alderaan!