
Missouri State Professor Gets Slaughterhouse-Five Banned In Local Schools.

Ah. There’d been a good amount of time since I heard the tale of some uppity dickbag or dickbagette who went and got a perfectly outstanding book banned from a school district. Perhaps it’s my liberal Northeastern upbringing, but I’m surprised this book was the latest casualty.

Slaughterhouse-Five? So it goes.

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Monday Morning Commute: Liam Neeson’s Ghost

Welcome back to MONDAY MORNING COMMUTE! By the time you read this, you’ll most likely have completed your first day of the workweek and will be primed for some solid entertainment. But not if you work the graveyard shift. Which is a bummer, unless you actually work at the graveyard, `cause then you get to meet zombies and mad scientists and packs of goth kids playing Ouija!

In any case, I’m going to give you the rundown on some of the shit that’ll be keeping my spirits high over the course of the next week. Your mission – should you choose to accept it – is to hit up the comments and show which sidearms you’ll be using in this workweek showdown.

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