
Views From The Space-Ship: Robotics and Nose-Pickings


My weeks are busy. I am busy.

A perpetual motion-machine filled with teaching, tutoring, brief glimpses of both my wife, dog, and cats, sporadic, late-night gym visits, and sleepy-eyed gazings into various Social Media Abysses before falling sleep.

My weeks are busy. I am busy.

This is Desktop Thursdays, where I’m giving you a look into my life. I hope you’ll share your own glimpses in the comments section.

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ROBOTIC SNAKE designed to slither through your body and eradicate tumors. Erm.

I’m all for progress. Science. Medicine. Don’t get me wrong. I just don’t know how I feel about unleashing a robotic snake in my body, even if that swag is under the guise of eradicating tumors. Eh, who the hell am I kidding. I’d probably get off on it. I’m freaky like that. How you doing?

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WATCH: Robotic Butt Cheeks That React To, And Anticipate, Your Slaps And Touches.

Watch in sublime horror as we create the technology that will (hopefully) give rise to Caprica Six’s taut buns reacting to No More Mr. Nice Gaius’ lil weiner.

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