
Blockbuster Reveals ‘Movie Pass’, $10/Month Netflix Streaming Competitor.

Netflix has fallen into mud fucking quickly. Shitty pricing plans. Splitting the physical side of the service into the laughably named Qwikster. Perhaps this is the moment Blockbuster has been waiting for, revealing their unambitiously named ‘Movie Pass’ service.

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Netflix Splits Streaming and DVD Services Into Two Companies. Adding Video Game Rentals. I’m Confused.

Everyone’s still pissed off about Netflix and its pricing changes, to the tune of a million people leaving the service. Today there’s some more glorious over-complication. Netflix is splitting their DVD service and their streaming service into two distinct companies. And if you want to know which one Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings thinks is going to last, you only need to see which service kept the Netflix name.

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