
Playstation: Episode IV – A New Hope


Perhaps I expect too much, or maybe I’m just not as connected to the world of contemporary gaming as I want to believe I am, but something about the reception towards Sony’s PS4 announcement strikes me as being particularly lukewarm. Sure, I’m old enough now to realise that the promises of seas parting and maidens flocking aren’t ever true, but I did expect a little more fan-fare than “well, it’s not completely shit…”

Beyond the lacklustre offerings of the Wii U and the PS Vita, or the lingering promise of something from Valve or Apple, gamers have little to feed upon lately. As the next generation begins to rise from the embryonic fluid of shadowy development houses we get to weigh up the merits of a blank canvas against the fear of unfulfilled promises. So, let’s join hands and embark upon this adventure together.

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‘PLAYSTATION 4’ being announced on February 20, motion-sensored arousal.


Is sensored a word? It is now! IDGAF. Oh boy. So yeah. Sony is announcing PlayStation 4 Wunder Pow! on February 20, which means I need to start rubbing dimes together. Here is hoping the Powers that Be at the company don’t drop another, “we want our customers to love our products so much they being selling seed and egg to afford us” on the crowd.

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