
Kevin Butler Retweets PS3 Root Key! Marketing Synergy!

Enlarge. | Via.

We all know Kevin Butler, right? The doughy guy who stars in the PS3 commercials? Was funny at first, but like all campaigns has overstayed his welcome? Today, the same “Kevin Butler” on Twitter – an entity I assume maintained by a bunch of now-fired PR people – retweeted the PS3 root key. Whoops.

Twitter peep dude Travis La Marr tweeted the root key to the account belonging to “Butler”, I assume knowing that Butler wasn’t the real deal and the person(s) behind it wouldn’t know what it was. “Butler” took the bait and retweeted it making a Battleship reference.

Double whoops.


Bulletstorm To Feature Gang Bangs? Check This Video.

Oh Bulletstorm. For a while, I loved you from afar. Your juvenile swagger spoke to me. Now, you’re getting closer and closer. I played the demo. You delivered. The distance that keeps us apart? Almost unbearable.

Today another video dropped, this time showing the Skillshot, the Gang Bang. Oh yeah man, the glory of this game will be known. Known well.

Hit the jump for the video.

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Bulletstorm Demo Impressions: BONERSTORM.

When I take up a cause, I do it full on. Over-the-top and out of control. If you’ve been poking around these parts lately, you know that I have undergone total dickcrush mode for Bulletstorm. Childish, juvenile, and embracing every fucking moment of it. The demo dropped today, and I was fucking stoked. As I downloaded that shit, I threw up a psalm or two dozen to whatever Vaporous Deity wanted to pay attention to me.

Dear Netherworld Otherbeings, please let this game fucking rock.

Sometimes, motherfuckers hear your prayer.

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New Asura’s Wrath Trailer Will Stab You With Awesome.

When Capcom debuted Asura’s Wrath last year, my priapism kicked in my pants. Like a goddamn bazooka. A bazooka of two inches and flimsy constitution, but who cares, let me dream. There’s some new screens and a trailer afoot on the internet, and here they are for your viewing pleasure.

Hells yeah hit the jump!

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Hacker GeoHot Releases The PS3 Root Key! Evil Cackle!

Hacker GeoHot has done gone and released the soul of the PlayStation 3 to the public. According to Joystiq, Geo “says he has released the PS3’s METLDR root key to the public, which allows access to the PS3’s loaders, and reportedly could be used to allow any unsigned code to be run on the system.”

This shit already sounds diabolical, right? I wasn’t really sure what a root key was, and Joystiq made it sound pretty cool. But I figured there was someone who could break this shit down even further for me! And ideally you. Luke Plunkett over at Kotaku goes deeper into what this means for the PS3, elite hax0rz dudes, and you:

The root key is a signature of sorts, that lets the PS3 know that the program that’s about to run on the console is a legitimate piece of software. If it’s now out there, then once people start messing around with it, they’ll be able to whip up anything – be that custom software or pirated games – and trick the console into thinking it’s OK to load.

Crucially, because this key lies at the very heart of the PS3 hardware itself, it appears that if it has been cracked, it will be almost impossible to repair (even via firmware updates), as altering the existing key would run the risk of rendering all existing PS3 software inoperable.

Well then! That’s some heavy shit. I wonder if GeoHot realizes that a crack team of Sony ninjas are already on their way to his house, about to eliminate him from the face of this blue marble.

Uncharted 3 Revealed. SCREENSHOTS INSIDE.

Entertainment Weekly just blew the lid off of one of the most anticipated games, Uncharted 3. The game’s official title is Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, and it is totally going Indiana Jones and Lawrence of Arabia with Drake running around some fucking gorgeous sand dunes and shit.

Here, some details:

According to Naughty Dog’s creative director Amy Hennig, the theme of deception plays out in multiple ways throughout the threequel, from Drake doing the deceiving to Drake being deceived to some mysterious deception about Drake’s very identity. The story focuses on the hero’s relationship with his mentor and father figure, fan fave Victor “Sully” Sullivan, and has him searching for a legendary lost city that will ultimately take him to the Arabian Peninsula and the vast wasteland of the Rub’ al Khali Desert, also known as the Empty Quarter.


Uncharted likes to keep one foot (or at least a toe) grounded in history (Nathan’s ancestor is the British pirate, explorer and Navy officer Sir Francis Drake) and the plot of Uncharted 3 draws more from Drake’s exploits as well as from the life of T.E. Lawrence – not from his militant days as the fabled “Lawrence of Arabia,” but rather the Brit’s early years as an archaeologist. The inspiration for the story, says Hennig, came from Naughty Dog’s desire to take on the challenge of conceiving and building out gameplay scenarios within a desert locale – “challenge,” because organic elements like water, fire and sand are technically difficult to credibly render with animation.

It’s a scientific fact that Uncharted 2 is the best game of the generation. Doing some tabulating with my abacus and some beaker work to conjure the true essence of knowledge into my brain stem, I have ascertained this. So I am beyond stoked for this title.


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New Resistance 3 Screens Depict Humanity Raped, Ravaged.

The original Resistance? Justification for my first-wave purchase of my PlayStation 3. The sequel? An unremarkable journey through the universe. My hopes for the third game? Pretty fucking high. Insomniac Games always delivers the goods, and despite how unmemorable the third one was, I still enjoyed it.

These screens for the third game dropped, and as Luke Plunkett points out, they’re totally Half-Life 2 in their feeling. Tattered remains of humanity post-alien invasion? Check. Beautiful destruction? Check. That’s all straight though, Half-Life 2 is one of my favorite games of all time.

Resistance 3 would be so lucky as to be mentioned in the same breath as HL2. Hit the jump for the screens.

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Official Resistance 3 Trailer Is Live-Action Hotness

Insomniac Games have been bringing the fire for ages. Or at least like, ten years? Or something? Anyways, as much as I loved the first Resistance, I was pretty fucking meh about the sequel. Today they released the official live-action trailer for Resistance 3, and all is easily forgotten. Shit has got a quality vibe, and Insomniac has even publicly acknowledged the complaints regarding the second iteration. This all gets me several shades of pumped.

Hit the jump for the official trailer.

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