
Buy These Flippin Comics!!! (11.20.13) – Pull List Wasteland

Pull-List Wasteland.

So apparently I caused a commotion on Spaceship OL this morning.  Caff would have you believe I ruined two deck levels, and that a third will need at the very least a scrubdown and new paint job.  Pluto claims I ate his Great American Novel.  The Dude says the munitions locker was ejected into space.  I remember none of this, but I KNOW that I woke up, sobbing, karate chopping two of the ship’s Oxygen Garden Bots, while the crewmembers looked on in horror.

“WHAT – THE – SHIT – MAN?!?!”  Caffeine asked, not politely, if I may say.  The answer came to mind quickly, it was the ONLY thing on my mind.

“The pull list this week.  It’s got hardly anything for me.  I don’t know what to do!”   I received a wall of blank stares, and after a moments hesitation, Caff offered his advice.

“Are you kidding me, bro?  Just look in the archives for some stuff you might have missed.  And get this shit cleaned up.”

That Caff-Pow is a lifesaver.  Hit the jump to see what I found, and for god sakes, if you have any recommendations, please let us know.  I think my sanity depends on it.

All this week’s releases can be found HERE.

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