
OCULUS has raised another $75 MILLI in funding for the OCULUS RIFT.

Virtual Reality is so cool.

Oculus continues to cobble together huge sums of money in order to fund their Oculus Rift gadget. That’s a serious amount of cash for a serious gadget that is giving serious dorks serious priapisms.

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iD Software -cofounder JOHN CARMACK has RESIGNED. So it goes.

John Carmack.

John Carmack is a beast. Created the engines that powered Doom, Quake, and countless other games. Dude is also sort of a douchebag. (Read Masters of Doom. Awesome book.) But whatever. The man who Really Hasn’t Made A Good Game In Eons has left the company he helped found. To work on the Oculus Rift.

And shit.

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Sony working on VIRTUAL REALITY HEADSET for PS4. This again?

Errbuddy in headsets or something.

Apparently that Oculus Rift is hot shit, ’cause it got Sony churning out its own VR headset. I’m going to level with you: I don’t get the Rift, or the point of this headset. And I don’t mean that I actually do get it, and I’m contemptuous of it. I really don’t get how it functions? You turn your head instead of moving a joystick? Something like that? Man…I’m feeling old.

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Press Start: Dare to Care


Week in, week out, I find that I give fewer and fewer fucks about my greatest love: video games. Something about the world has changed recently: perhaps it’s a winding down as the console generation nears to a close, or maybe the industry has just plain run out of ideas. Whichever the case may be, I can’t help but wonder why anybody other than dedicated, pathetic losers like myself would be inclined to care. Abruptly, he slaps himself across the face with a force that ejects two fillings and a week’s worth of shitty debris that previously resided underneath his grubby fingernails. God-fucking-dammit, man! This is your one-true, your reason d’etre! C’mon, surely I can muster up a handful of halfway adequate reasons to deter any other would-be quitters. Here goes.

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Watch: 90 YEAR-OLD WOMAN tries OCULUS RIFT VR, is understandably rocked.

Strapped to the dome.

In this video, a 90 year-old woman tries out the Oculus Rift VR headset. The lass is blown away by the immersive snippet of the future. The video is particularly fantastic when considering the paradigm shift this woman has lived through in her ninety years on the Blue Marble. Such chicanery strapped to her head would have been preposterous to contemplate even halfway into her life, and now this. Technology can be good.

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