
The BAFTA Awards for Television nominees are announced. This post is mostly about Benedict Cumberbatch.

Ah yes, the BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) Awards for Television are coming up. For those of us who are complete and total anglophiles, the list of nominees dropped today, much to my delight and suspicion. Why suspicion? Well, since 2005, I’ve a vested interest in the classier cousin of our Emmy.

You see, Benedict Cumberbatch was nominated for a BAFTA for  Hawking in 2005. And lost. Try and imagine senior-in-high-school me flipping tables and ripping pages out of library books in my rage. I didn’t actually do any of that, but I seriously considered it. Surely, I thought to myself, they won’t make that mistake again. His next nomination was for  Small Island, for Best Supporting Actor. And he lost.  His next was for Sherlock.  And he lost. His next was for film, for Best Supporting Actor in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.  And he lost. If he loses this time, you’ll probably end up seeing my lovely face on TV. On the 11 o’clock news. When I’m in a bell tower surrounded by a lot of guns and ammo.

For the list of nominations, hit the jump!

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