
Weekend Open Bar: Good Bye and Good Night, 2017!

weekend open bar good bye and good night

I’ve been suffering, indulging, and enjoying this past week. I’ve had it off from work, the first legitimate vacation from work since, well, I don’t know. Logically, I shouldn’t lament this fact. For, I know motherfuckers in this empathy-barren world work way more than me, and get no breaks. Emotionally, I’m so fucking stoked. However, I’m facing the typical fork in the road as vacation winds down. Do I just embrace the indulgence, the corpulence, the chemical-insanity for a few more days (I will). Or, do I begin to wind down the Caligulian existence, and prepare for reentry on Tuesday (I won’t)?

Whatever the case, let’s spend the waning days of DisasterYear2017 together, friends! Here in the Weekend Open Bar!

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Weekend Open Bar: It’s Always Sunny On Space-Ship Omega


It’s the Weekend Open Bar.

Here on the Space-Ship Omega.

Round and round and round the Sun we go. Harboring ill memories, favorable moments, abject disproofs of karma, and transformative moments of kindness. In the grand scheme of things, we, the Sun, these burps and blips don’t matter one lick. In the grand scheme of things, these random scatterings of electrical impulses, of poor choices, of wise decisions, of moments of passion and anger, they’re all we fucking got.

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New “Miracleman’ stories comin’ courtesy of Morrison, Quesada, Allred, and Milligan

Miraculous Man

There’s new Miracleman stories on the horizon! And you’re going to be able to close out 2014 by enjoying said fucking stories! Miracleman Annual is dropping on New Year’s Eve. So before you get hopped up on Liquor and Sentiment, make sure to stop by your local comic book shop.

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