
Mt. Gox “finds” over $100 MILLION of customer’s BITCOINS

Lasers. The future. Cyeah.

Remember Mt. Gox? Bitcoin bank that filed for bankruptcy? Then hackers were all like “hey non-1337 assholes, we see you still have our moneys”? Now they’ve “found” (I’m skeptical, okay?) like $100 milli of their customers Bitcoins. Go figure!

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Hackers be like, “MT. GOX still has our f**king Bitcoins.”


Arrr! Welcome to the High Seas of Unregulated Wizard Currency and Mad Haxxing! You know how that Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox was all “We’re fucking broke, broken, and destitute” and shit? Declared for bankruptcy? Well hackers are throwing the flag on this idea. Saying that the Japanese-based exchange, in fact, still has their fucking Bitcoins.

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