
Dude gets ‘Doom’ running on a McDonald’s cash register. Future is wild.

doom mcdonalds cash register

People want to put the original Doom on everything. Doom on an ATM. Doom on a printer. The latest? Doom on a fucking McDonald’s cash register.

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McDonald’s is installing AI-Powered kiosks to predict our orders. Our gluttony, simplified for us!

mcdonalds ai powered kiosk

McDonald’s is getting into the AI game, apparently. In order to predict our orders, The Company That Sells Delicious Pink Goop is going to be installing AI-powered kiosks. Read the rest of this entry »

McDonald’s may be getting All-Day Breakfast menu. Praise the Lard Gods! Old and New!


Well, ain’t this fortuitous. I’m going to be moving to a house with a McDonald’s smack dab in the middle of the route home. And now said McDonald’s is going to be peddling my fat ass hash browns all goddamn day.

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1 gallon jug of McDonald’s BBQ SAUCE sells for nearly $10,000. Slop culture ++

I don’t know about you, but I ain’t spending $10,000 on much. Maybe a dinosaur egg. Maybe Bo Jackson’s artificial hip. Definitely not 1990s barbecue sauce from McDonald’s.

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