
Jaws: The Revenge – An Educational Experience

This year marks the 35th anniversary of JAWS. I’ve been getting pretty jazzed about this fact, annoying friends with my reciting of misremembered lines and begging them to join me at a local screening. Today, I decided to celebrate this monumental event by watching JAWS: The Revenge.

Despite the series’ fourth entry being regarded as one of the worst films of all time, it has a soft spot in my heart. Part of my admiration for this cash-grab stems from the fact that it was the only JAWS flick released after my birth. Moreover, the movie was the basis for the NES game that I watched my brother play for countless hours (of terror).

But today, I realized that JAWS: The Revenge is a worthwhile movie because of its educational properties. A viewing of the final chapter of this renowned shark-saga provides information that is simply not available elsewhere.

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