
MARS ROVER has findings that confirm the Red Planet was once capable of life. Bradburyboner.

Mars. Let's get the fuck there. Now.

The Mars Curiosity Rover Guy has found conditions on the aforementioned Red Planet that suggest the planet was once suitable for life. The real question becomes (obviously), when did we destroy Ares before we fled here to the Blue Marble? Don’t fuck with me, I’ve seen the face on the planet and everything. It makes sense. Tell me, Illuminati! Tell me!

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NASA has discovered organic compounds on Mars. Or not. Equivocating like woah.

It’s time to get excited, while simultaneously not getting excited! NASA has unveiled that they’ve found organic compounds on Mars, except maybe they’re not from Mars. Yeah, wait, huh? Am I excited, or not? I have this pint of apple-urine deliciousness, but I need to know if I’m throwing it on a flower or drinking it with a smile. Someone. Tell me.

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Monday Morning Commute: Liam Neeson’s Ghost

Welcome back to MONDAY MORNING COMMUTE! By the time you read this, you’ll most likely have completed your first day of the workweek and will be primed for some solid entertainment. But not if you work the graveyard shift. Which is a bummer, unless you actually work at the graveyard, `cause then you get to meet zombies and mad scientists and packs of goth kids playing Ouija!

In any case, I’m going to give you the rundown on some of the shit that’ll be keeping my spirits high over the course of the next week. Your mission – should you choose to accept it – is to hit up the comments and show which sidearms you’ll be using in this workweek showdown.

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Images & Words – THB: Comics from Mars #2

[images & words is the comic book pick-of-the-week at OL. equal parts review and diatribe, the post highlights the most memorable/infuriating/entertaining book released that wednesday]

I’ve spent the last ten minutes gazing into this goddamn word processor. It’s white and bright and winning this staring contest with ease. Fugger! It’s not fair — he’s got pixels and electricity and all I’ve got is the soft gelatin of these dull cow eyes. My retinas will burn out before I think of a clever way to convey my message, so I might as well just lay it out there.

Paul Pope is a master comics creator. And he’s grossly underappreciated.

Those curious about Pope should refer to THB: Comics from Mars #2.

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