
‘XBOX ONE’ continues it’s BACKPEDALLING; will allow INDIES to SELF-PUBLISH

Steve Ballmer is ready.

I have to hand it to the Xbox One. It is fucking awesome at moonwalking. Just backpedalling like a motherfucker. All smooth and shit, feet gliding over the floor.

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MINECRAFT CREATOR gets GOLDEN PSONE from Sony. MICROSOFT sends box of tacks to Team Meatboy.


Sony has sent the creator of Minecraft an invitation to an E3 Event in the form of a fucking golden PSOne. It’s awesome seeing Sony rolling out the red (golden? ha!) carpet for indie developers. Meanwhile, Microsoft is ripping the carpet out from underneath their indie creators’ feet. You know. Blowing smoke in their eyes, getting rid of their dedicated XBL channel, and telling them to be grateful to even be able to find a third-party publisher to push their pretentious swill.

Definitely different vibes from the two camps.

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