
Holy Mung! Stormtroopers Track Leia’s Ass Down To A Subway Car

I came across this video today over at Slashfilm, and it’s pretty tremendous. Why can’t this shit ever happen to me on the subway?

via slashfilm:

Improv Everywhere   is a group of New Yorkers who love to “cause scenes of chaos and joy in public places.” You’ve surely seen many videos of their previous stunts, as many of them have gone viral around the interwebs. Their latest mission was to reenact he first Princess Leia / Darth Vader scene from Star Wars on a New York City subway car.

Seriously, what the fuck. Whenever I’m on a subway the most exciting thing that happens to me is that guy who is leaning against the last seat on the train, smelling of piss and reminding me of my future.

Hit the jump and check out subway action not involving homelessness or urine.

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Ghostbusters Save New York Public Library



Real Ghostbusters. Hunting real ghosts. At the New York Public Library.

This, my friends, is true inspiration.
