
Bungie Returns To Apple With ‘Bungie Mobile.’ Was Only Matter Of Time.

Bungie used to be total best friends forever with Apple. Then Microsoft made them a deal they couldn’t refuse, sending Steve Jobs into a frenzy. He hit women, ate children. Since then, Bungie created Halo, sat around as Microsoft’s pet, and then last year threw up the deuces and finally went multiplatform. It makes sense now that they’re free, they’ve returned to Apple. In some form.

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Bulletstorm Disses Halo With Projectile Vomiting Diorama Video. Awesome.

Oh Bulletstorm. God I want this game. Their marketing campaign is fucking outstanding. There are the Bulletpoints bits they’ve been rolling out, and now there’s this. Remember those totally artsy Halo advertisements with the dioramas of the battlefield? Yeah, Bulletstorm and the gurus behind it take aim at those ads. With figurine projectile vomiting. It’s fucking amazing.

Hit the jump for the video.

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