
‘BORDERLANDS 2’ golden key dares you to use it. Early. Often.

I’m not really sure if I’m getting a golden key with my copy of Borderlands 2. I ordered the most expensive copy I could find on Amazon, so if it I’m not getting it, I got fucked. The conceit behind the key is pretty awesome, and one that I quietly am hoping I can exploit to my own wonderment.

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The Money Making Minds behind Borderlands 2 have announced a season pass for the upcoming title. Such a swag bag will entitle you to all of the game’s DLC for a mere $30. I’m not a computational wizard, but that shit is at least 50% off what you’d have to spend to buy it as it came out. As a dorkus who was going to snag all of the DLC and rub it so, so, so lovingly all over my own shanty towns, I’m excited.

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What with all the rejiggering of this year’s game releases, Borderlands 2 has elevated itself to the position of my most anticipated joint. Here’s some new screenshots of the bitty. I’m totally loving the fact that they’re employing an entire palette this time, not just a wasteland of brown and poopy-green.

Hit the jump for some screenshots.

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‘BORDERLANDS 2’ TRAILER: Full ‘LION KING’ Treatment For Our Horror-Win

Borderlands 2 goes In The Jungle. Wasn’t what you were expecting, but god dammit you’ll fucking love it.

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‘BORDERLANDS 2’ Getting Better Framerates, Sh*t Loads of New Enemies

Now that Diablo 3  has dropped and BioShock Infinite  has gotten shoved into a date past the Year of Mayan Oblivion, I’m hard pressed to figure out a jam I want more this year than Borderlands 2. I’m also not really thinking that hard, between the caffeine haze and my ADD.

Here’s some info on my must-have.

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‘BORDERLANDS 2’ SPECIAL EDITIONS. Or, How I’ll Be Wasting Money In September

My goodness. My love for Borderlands  is unmatched by many a franchise. It is a love so strong that it will have me doing ludicrous things, like opting into ridiculous special editions I don’t need, and really can’t afford.

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Gearbox Boss Calls ‘WII U’ A “Really Nice Bridge” To Next Generation. LOL Cripes.

The head honcho of Gearbox Software has opened up about the Wii U and did a good job of pulling its pants down while trying to give it a compliment.

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Trailer: ‘Borderlands 2’ Promises To Rip My Tits Raw With Awesome.

This trailer makes my jizz squirt hot love gaming jizz. Almost got *too* fucking pumped and had to close the trailer before my brain-stem began seizing.

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Borderlands Fan Passes Away, Gets Honored As A Character In Sequel. Class.

Michael John Mamaril  was a Borderlands fan who recently passed away. Gearbox is doing the ultra-dope move and honoring his passing with a NPC in the sequel.

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Video: ‘Borderlands 2’ Footage Captured Via Crotch Cam. Coincidentally Swells Mine.

Up until this point my tits have only been  titillated  by written descriptions of Borderlands 2. Not anymore. Thanks to an intrepid attendee of Gamescom, and their groin, we have some footage. It’s so delicious. We see some new environments, and the disposable-gun-as-grenade technique which is so flashy-bling-bling I can’t stand it. (That’s a good thing.)

Hit the jump for the video.

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