
INFOGRAPHIC: A Visual Guide To Battlestar’s Timeline.

This infographic is handy for all you toaster-frakin’ newbies out there. If you can’t decipher the simple (ha!) and cleanly delininated (doubly ha!) timeline of Battlestar Galactica, than this will clear up any confusion.

Designer Billy Ray says:

I created this visual timeline of the Battlestar Galactica universe after the season 4, episode 17 “No Exit” data dump resulted in near aneurism for my friends and me. I later updated it to include key points from the “Caprica” pilot movie.

Billy, I appreciate the effort. The infographic is dope. But let us all combine hands, minds, and hearts, in willing the Caprica series, even it’s fucking pilot, out of existence.

Hit the jump for the full infographic.

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