
Cosplay: Fallout: New Vegas NCR Ranger Is Ir-RAD-iated. Oh Man Awful Puns.

[Cosplayed by Nanahra | Via]

Bethesda Settles ‘Fallout’ Lawsuit. They Own The Entire Wasteland.

Praise whatever Myth you dig, Bethesda has settled the lawsuit between Interplay and themselves over the rights to Fallout. The glory! The glory! There shant be a Fallout MMO designed by Interplay.

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‘Fallout Monopoly’ Is The Board Game I’ve Been Dying For.

Check this out. deviantART contributor  PinkAxolotl created ‘Fallout: Monopoly’, an homage to both Fallout and the destroyed economic system that will surely not exist (well, I guess it will be in a much different manner) after the bombs drop and we’re all running around Megaton.

Hit the jump to check it out.

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Fallout Fan Film – ‘Nuka Break’ Is Glorious Fan Service.

Most of the time, I find fan flicks to be awkward as fuck, miserable affairs. Geeks wanking. Listen, I love geeks wanking. But they generally try too hard, and while in paying homage, come off as well, fan flicks. Fallout: Nuka Break ain’t that. I was skeptical at first, as it opened up with some Whedon-esque dialogue.  [Aside: Listen geeks, you’re not Joss Whedon. And he sucks. Stop talking like you’re in Firefly, you’re not witty.]

But the entire experience turned out funny, cute, and I was pretty bummed it was only seventeen minutes. Well done to everyone involved.

Hit the jump for the video.

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Fan Made Power Helmet Is Fallout Porn.

My friend The Dude who regularly comments here is a complete fanboy for the Brotherhood of Steel. I think when/if he sees this helmet, the priapism that follows may actually be written into future editions of the Bible.  This gorgeous Brotherhood power helmet courtesy of Josh Jay. Whenever the apocalypse hits, and believe me its soon, I’ll be heading to him for some fucking righteous armor. Now who got my plasma rifle?

Hit the jump for pictures of the power helmet. It’s sexy.

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Denzel’s “The Book of Eli” Looks Dope, Because It Looks Like a Fallout Rip-Off


If there’s one thing you know I love, it’s Fallout 3. Which is why I’m excited for Denzel Washington’s movie The Book of Eli. Why is that? Well, it stars a dude wandering a post-apocalyptic wasteland with some mysterious item promising a resurrection or some shit. Yeah, it’s Fallout. It also has ridiculous ass-whupping action. And Commissioner Gordon.

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New Mass Effect DLC Released; No One Cares, Bioware Isn’t Bethesda


File this under: What the fuck?

So, apparently new Mass Effect DLC came out today. It’s called Pinnacle Station. Did you know? Yeah, me either. The new Mass Effect DLC was released with little to no fanfare. This is coming off the heels of the details of said DLC being leaked by the Swiss XBOX Live site. It seems to me like there was some sort of “Fucked, the god damn Swiss leaked it? Better shovel that shit out there!”

Want some details about the DLC? Since, like me, you had no idea this shit existed until either yesterday or today? Sure, here you go:

Test the limits of your combat prowess aboard a remote, top-secret Alliance space station. Do you have what it takes to hold the top spot amongst the best of the best? This module includes a new land-able space station, 13 exciting combat scenarios, and approximately 2-3 hours of game play

There you go. Sounds pretty lame, doesn’t it? Also, it sounds pretty much like a cheap rip-off of Fallout 3‘s Operation: Anchorage DLC. Wait, you go into a simulation, tear shit up for a bit, and then get some new gear? Yeah, Bethesda did that back in February.

It seems pretty fitting that this new, uncared about DLC would mimic Fallout 3’s. Why, you ask? Well, since Fallout 3 has been released, it’s done DLC like a pimp master. While Bioware has dropped the ball continuously. Since November of 2008, Bethesda has churned out five excellent DLCs. With over a year’s extra time in the market place, Mass Effect has been capable of churning out two bullshit, bootleg abortions. Pretty depressing.

I am a huge Mass Effect fan. It’s a binky of mine, and despite all my bitching, I’ve already downloaded this piece of crap. It’s depressing to see Bioware drop the ball of the DLC, especially since we were promised rich worlds and shit to explore after the release, and all we’ve gotten is a couple of thrown together pieces of mush. Hopefully this is just a sign that Bioware has turned its attention fully to Mass Effect 2, which, when I think about it, arouses a semi-erection in my pants.

Until, have some slop, and imagine a world where Bioware learns some lessons from Bethesda when it comes to DLC.