
Opinions Vary: Cancer Patients and Lottery Scams


What does that title have to do with that picture?  Nothing.  What does it have to do with this whole article?  I’ll get to that.  You see, this is my turn to helm the column Opinions Vary.  Today you’ll be stepping into my fun house to play with my magic mirrors.  Wipe your feet and keep your grubby hands off the glass..

I love to laugh.  Nothing makes me happier … literally.  What gives me a raging funny boner?  Random shit.  The more random, and more macabre (hence the title) the more I like it.  Even as a small child I was chastised for laughing or joking about horrible things.  I was met by the age old adage “There is a Time and a Place for Jokes.”  I agree with that statement, and here we get onto the crazy train that is my opinion.

The Time and Place for Laughing or Making Jokes are Always, and Everywhere!

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