
MARS ONE beginning to recruit for ONE-WAY TRIP in July.

Mars! For fucking attention douches.

If you want to go to Mars so fucking badly that you don’t care if you come back, Mars One may be interested in your ass. Those of us who would rather wander Ares than ever suck air on Earth again will be able to apply for the trip. But wait, there is more! Should you spacefaring ass be chosen, you will then enter into some sort of zany reality show about the colonization of the planet.

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SpaceX founder has plans to send 80,000 Earthlings to MARS.

Fuck yeah. Space X’s founder Elon Musk has revealed plans to send a fair amount of Earthlings to the Red Planet. Bradbury be proud. For a cool $500,000 you can be one of these first colonials, granting yourself the right to stomp around and blight Mars with the footprint of man. It isn’t an attainable amount for a fledgling academic/aspiring educator like myself, but no one wants a bipolar mess to be one of the first people to traverse the stars anyways. Send up our celebrities and capable minds, let the Martians know we are sexy and intelligent. Then unleash me upon them. I will reek of bad decisions and caffeine. I will eat their sand, bask in their solar rays!

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SpaceX found says we could have humans on Mars in 12 to 15 years. Bradburyboner.

Hell yes. SpaceX wizard Elon Musk says that human beings could be on Mars in as early as 12 years. This may very well be bluster and nonsense, but who gives a shit. Let me have this, you naysaying bastards.

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