
Warehouse 13 Sucks Ass, Still Has Better Ratings than Galactica


I woke up a tweet today that literally had me barfing all over my own crotch. Yes grammar Nazis, literally. Amidst the screams of “Why, God, why have you forsaken me?” and the shrills of my cat, understandably upset at his master, barfing and barfing all over his own bare balls, I read this:

Love it or hate it, there’s no denying that people are watching Warehouse 13. The Syfy series set an all-time ratings high for the network again last week, with 4.4 million people tuning in to see evil Myka.

Who would have thought a simple tweet from Mr. Mars would have sent me on an incredible ball-soaking vomit bonanza.

Sweet Jesus lord, end my fucking life now. You man that Warehouse 13, the generic, Shaws Cola edition of Fringe Files Torchwood-atron beat out every episode of Battlestar Galactica? Ever? Whoops, there I go again. Barfing on my god damn balls.