
Rumor: ‘AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 3’ delayed until 2017 #WHATEVS

Amazing Spider-Person.

I may have been a bit hyperbolic when I said that Amazing Spider-Man 2 is the worst superhero movie since Batman & Robin. But man, I sure didn’t fucking like it. Loved the cast, deplored everything else. I’m not alone. The franchise has made consistently less and less money with every iteration. So if Sony wants to delay Amazing Spider-Man 3 in order to spiff it up, go for it. If they want to delay it because they’re secretly WORKING WITH MARVEL STUDIOS TO INTEGRATE SPIDER-MAN INTO AVENGERS 3, all the better!

I have absolutely no reason to believe that’s going to happen. Other than this pair of messed-underwear I’ve been wearing like a Wolverine mask all day whispering me sweet words with its diarrhea vapors.

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