
Alamo Drafthouse BANS MADONNA from its theaters FOR TEXTING. So awesome.


So good. Madonna’s super-cut ass has been banned from Alamo Drafthouse’s theaters after texting during 12 Years A Slave. The best part? When someone tried to suggest she cut that fucking shit out, she decided to call them an “enslaver.” Can’t make this shit up.

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Theater Chain Execs Discussing Allowing CELL PHONE USE In Theaters. Dear Lord.

Motherfuckers! Nothing agitates me in a movie theater as much as seeing a fucking glowing orb in an ocean of auditorium silence. Fucking cell phones. Now this sort of chicanery may be allowed  by none other than theater executives.

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ALAMO DRAFTHOUSE Announces New York City Expansion. This Is Awesome.

For many years,  Alamo Drafthouse Cinema has lurked out in Texas. Nestled in the asshole of America, its sweet offerings have eluded me. There was much too much a giant swath of land separating us. Now I may not be able to get out to Texas for the Alamo-Prime, but there’s a satellite approaching. The son of  of a bitch is getting a New York site. Hell yeah!

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