
Sweet, yo! “Bitch” – Portrait of Aaron Paul / Jesse Pinkman by Sam Spratt

‘SMASHED’ Theatrical Trailer: Ramona Flowers and Jesse Pinkman go Breaking Hearts.

Terrible puns aside, I’m really looking forward to this flick. It’s all like, indie emotional and it has pretty actors and actresses that I enjoy looking at and rooting for and such.

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The Hunt For ‘A Good Day To Die Hard’ John McClane Jr. Is Down To Four. Make Mine Pinkman.

The hunt for the actor who is going to portray John McClane Jr. in A Good Day To Die Hard  is down to four. Let’s all get our Aaron Paul chant going.

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Breaking Bad: Face Off (Season Finale)

“I won.” – Walt

Based on the promise of the episode’s title, lots of speculating went on concerning who would be “facing off” in the season finale. I don’t think anyone guessed that it actually meant someone’s face would be coming off. It was a huge finale, with lots of great pay-offs including an assassination scheme by Walter White that finally worked as planned. But in traditional Walt-fashion, it involved someone else doing the dirt – in this case Tio, who sacrifices himself to off Gus and Tyrus. “Face Off” showed another giant leap in the transformation we’ve been gleefully watching for four seasons: Walter White naive chemistry teacher to drug lord El Jefe of Albuquerque.

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Breaking Bad: End Times

In the past, the penultimate episodes of Breaking Bad have always packed a wallop. In season 2’s “Phoenix,” Walt watched Jane choke to death and in the previous season, Walt committed vehicular homicide (“Half Measures”). Vince Gilligan and the creative team continued that tradition with “End Times,” although we were left with a defeated Walt on a rooftop instead of a car bomb. I can’t believe there’s only one more episode. It’s a testament to the creative team that it’s been 12 weeks already and they’ve managed to maintain this incredible amount of tension and depth. It seems like only yesterday Gale was killed…

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Breaking Bad: Crawl Space

Oh my. After Walt’s psychotic laughter fades away at the end of “Crawl Space,” it’s good to take a breather, wash your meth mouth, and assess where everyone on the show stands. Hank is a marked man again but Saul’s anonymous tip to the DEA at least gives him a head start. Marie’s phone call to the generous Skyler filled her in on just how lethal the situation is. Jesse’s promotion and falling out with Walt doesn’t mean he wants him offed. Mike is recovering in that pop-up ER set up by Gus in case the Mexico trip turned sour.

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This Week On Breaking Bad: Bug

Wow. If there was any question about whose side Jesse is on, I think any solid answer has been thrown to the dogs. After their brutal altercation at the end of “Bug,” Jesse is looking out for number one from now on – he’s a total wild card. He seems to like Gus more every episode, and you have to respect a guy who unflinchingly walks in front a sniper’s sights, but seeing another man’s head explode may have him looking for a way out.

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Breaking Bad: Hermanos

9 episodes into the season and miraculously a flashback doesn’t slow down the show at all. Seeing the some of the Chicken Man’s origin story added a reservoir’s worth of depth to the show – especially the point where at now. Being put into a situation where he doesn’t know what’s coming is certainly something Gus isn’t used to. He’s quick on his feet and great at improving, but he was visibly shook in the elevator. And while Gus may not be a person of interest to the DEA, but that doesn’t stop Hank from going maverick on his ass. On top of that, the Cartel isn’t budging and Jesse is still a wild card.

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Breaking Bad: Problem Dog

And finally, the answer to the twice asked “Do you know how much money I make a year?” is put out there for Skyler to gasp at. Walter, after expenses, makes $7.5 million a year. A much greater amount than Skyler was expecting and one certainly not able to be laundered in a car wash. She has no choice but to continue on with the front – once the car wash opened its doors Skyler became an accomplice. No backing out now.

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Breaking Bad: Shotgun

Although this terrific episode ended on a grim note with Walt’s egoism forcing him to suggest to Hank that Heisenberg isn’t dead, this is the first episode in a long time where everyone seemed to get what they want. Skyler got her car wash, slept with Walt, then invites Walt to move back in. That satisfies Skyler, Walt, and Junior. Gus gets Jesse back on track through a sly promotion. And Hank’s interest in Gale’s homicide has given him back his sense of purpose and has brought about some peace in the Schrader household.

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