
PR Guy: Negative Duke Nukem Reviews Could Lead To Blacklist! Dude Fired.

Duke Nukem Forever came out this week. It sucks. Reviewers expressed such sentiments, and then  Jim Redner of the Render Group got all butthurt and said such reviews would impact who gets to review a game next time.

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Duke Nukem Calls Master Chief A Pussy In Duke Nukem Forever.

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Brian Crecente is a lucky man living my dream. Working for Kotaku, he’s currently working through the early portions of Duke Nukem Forever. A kind lad is he, sharing his experiences through the internet article circulation pathways. Today he dropped this outstanding parcel of information regarding the Duke calling Master Chief and his band of Spartans a bunch of pussies.

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New Bioshock 2 Trailer Will Induce Rapturous Orgasms


Ah, Bioshock 2. I’m torn on the game. On one hand, I don’t think the original needs a sequel. It’s brilliant. I’d even call it a work of art, if I felt like defending my opinion. But I don’t, so there. You can have your four-thousand word essays debating games as art.

So anything that tries to add upon the original gets an initial “Why bother?” I mean, it was about as stand-alone as you can get in a game. The response to the “Why bother?” is pretty simple.

  1. It’s going to make money. Lots, and lots of money.
  2. Fanboys like myself will go bananas getting a shot to delve once again in Rapture.

Artistic integrity (which, may or may not even exist, that’s another four-thousand word essay) versus fan service and capitalism! Fight! No seriously, don’t, I can’t care what you have to say. Bust out the lube and check out the new Bioshock 2 trailer after the jump.

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