
‘Westworld’ Season 3 Trailer: What could possibly go wrong from relying on tech companies?

A new trailer for Westworld Season 3 asks you to buy into a tech company’s promises. Sounds about right, imagine our relationship with Big Tech wouldn’t get any better in the future. Whether you want to or not. I hate that I’m intrigued by this shit, despite giving up on the show in the second season.

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‘Westworld’ Season 3 Trailer: Jesse Pinkman’s ennui-filled life in a world of robots

Man. This trailer for Westworld‘s third season is so intriguing that it makes me want to go back and endure its second. You see, I gave up about four episodes into the second installment of the overwrought, meandering mystery box. But, this shit seems so much more interesting than last season. Could it be a standalone? Probably not, but I can dream.

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‘Westworld’ Season 3 adds Aaron Paul, bitch!

westworld season 3 aaron paul

Super obvious/weak/lame/dated headline aside, this is cool casting. Does it directly impact my viewing life? I’m not sure. Bateman and I tapped on the second season, as time is precious and there are only so many sweeping vistas and overwrought promulgation we could stomach. That said, who knows. Maybe I polish off the season while blogging, or taking a crap, or something.

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