
More Banksy In Los Angeles; Rat Time In Taco Land.

Banksy  continues  frolicking along in Los Angeles. His latest work went up alongside some taco joint in Oceanside. According to Hypebeast, “the piece came as a surprise to most, including the shop owner, who contemplated painting the piece over before he noticed the attention its received.”

If you enter into the comments section at Hypebeast, there’s a good three-thousand comments debating whether or not its actual Banksy. I have no fucking clue. I love how the aura of Banksy is so pervasive, his influence permeates throughout boundaries regardless of whether or not this handiwork is courtesy of his agency. The Banksy! He lives. He replicates. Or he doesn’t. But he still does.

It’s late man, I don’t know what I’m saying.

Hit the jump for the work.

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