
Monday Morning Commute: Climbin’ Aboard, Slingin’ My Words

Slingin' Words.

Holy smokes.

It’s been a long goddamn while, but I’ve finally managed to find my way back to Spaceship OL. What’s been keepin’ me? Why’s Caff-Pow been forced to man the wheel without my navigational assistance? Well, we were pushing the `ole Nerd-Bird through some specially turbulent space-waters and I went to check on the chimp cages. In the process, I fell overboard.

Yes, I’d been drinkin’.

Anyways, I ended up getting sucked into an Ennui Vortex and was propelled beyond my control through some of the vilest scenarios of my entire existence. There were Responsibility Phantoms and Work Monsters and Accountability Ghouls. Hell, at one point I floated through a strait that saw the Stress-Scylla on one side and the Overtime-Charybdis on the other.

It was terrible!

But lo! and behold! I survived! Here I am! The one and only Rendar Frankenstein, hack-writer extraordinaire, in the digital-flesh! And you’d better believe I’m here for some haphazard word-slingin’! So let’s shuffle off the stains of yesterday and strap on our immortal foils! After all, this is the MONDAY MORNING COMMUTE, the spot for sharing ideas about actualizing spiritual potential! How do we survive the onslaught of everyday malaise?

First, I’m goin’ to run you through some of the keys I’m using to unlock my mind. Then, you hit up the comments section and share the strategies you’ll be using to break open your idea-doors!


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RED BULL Producing Parkour-Powered ‘OLIVER TWIST’ Adaptation. In 3D. Naturally.

This is something out of one of my favorite novels of all time, Syrup. Red Bull doesn’t just want to sponsor culture, goddammit it wants to generate it. How can they get into the game? Obviously by funding a 3D parkour flick based off of Oliver Twist. Obviously.

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Dude Makes Successful 13-Mile SPACE JUMP. Brazen ++

Felix Baumgartner is a man who has leaped from something approximating space, and lived to tell the tale. The good sir, with Red Bull as his co-pilot and sponsor, plummeted to the Earth from 13-miles up.

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