
SNES Saturdays #2 – Bateman’s Dad’s Balls and Barrel Decimation

I know it’s been quiet for a fucking *minute* here on the Space-Ship Omega. Apologies! Apologies. In the meantime, check out the second official SNES Saturdays from Bateman and me. We’re just being a couple of garbage lords. Talking a lot about Freud, Bateman’s Dad’s balls, and other miscellany garbage.

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Arnold and Stallone Get Shoulder Surgery. Together. Freud Passes Out.

Arnold and Stallone are totally retooling their shoulders, after being fucking rugged! and shit  shooting Expendables 2. There are no words.

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Sly Stallone Creating ‘Rocky’ Musical. More Homo-Eroto, Yo!

Hats-off to Sly Stallone. Shirts too. He-panties while we’re stripping. The original dude clever enough to get totally straight man don’t get me wrong!  guys to fist-pump to wonderful homoerotic American Dream nonsense babble tales is bringing the same shade of bullshit to a musical.

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