Scientists Think Moon May Have As Much Water As Earth.

Yesterday, we spat about the possible confirmation of white holes. Well today True Believers, I have some more sizzlin theoretical heat for you. Scientists are speculating that the Moon may have as much water on it as Earth does. Let us don our Probably Senseless But Nonetheless Exciting Speculating Caps!


Today, a group of scientists announced that beneath the surface of the Moon there may be as much water as we have on Earth. This revelation could change everything we know about the Moon – and pave the way for lunar colonies in the next twenty years.

The researchers used a special ion probe to analyze samples of volcanic glass dug up from the Moon’s surface by the crew of Apollo 17. Water and other volatiles from deep beneath the Moon’s surface remain preserved in this glass, and allowed the team of scientists to determine likely water levels in the Moon’s mantle. Those levels were 100 times higher than what previous studies found.


In other words, we’re seeing – at least in this chunk of volcanic glass – something that looks very similar to what we’d expect on Earth. This could change our understanding of how the Moon was formed. Generally it’s believed that the Moon broke off from Earth when our planet was hit by a Mars-sized body. But an impact like that wouldn’t have left much water behind. Is it possible the Moon was formed in some other way? That’s a subject for further research, but the research team notes two possibilities: one, at some point Earth and the Moon may have shared the same “atmospheric envelope;” or two, the sample that the team analyzed might be aberrant and not indicative of a watery mantle all over the Moon.

These findings also shed light on the icy deposits that probes recently found deep in the shadows of Moon craters. Until now, scientists mostly believed that water came from icy meteors smashing into Luna and leaving water behind. Now it seems that this water probably originated on the Moon, and was brought to the surface by magma in volcanic eruptions.

So how will all of this affect our plans for a lunar colony? Obviously, if the mantle is as water-rich as this new research suggests, we’ll have a better chance of generating water and oxygen on the Moon for our habitats. Plus, If lunar water is associated with volcanic activity, then that makes NASA’s idea to build a lunar colony in one of the Moon’s giant magma holes even more attractive.

I call dibs on the dark side of the moon, yo!