Obviously: Ben Affleck signing on for ‘Batman’ trilogy

Batman from Dawn of Justice.

Wait. Wait! Are we supposed to be shocked that Ben Affleck is signing up for his own trilogy of films? ‘Cause that’s the rumor. But it sort of seems obvious?


As of now, following his role as The Dark Knight inBatman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, we already know that Ben Affleck is going to stick around as Batman for another solo movie that he will also write and direct. However, it sounds like Warner Bros. wants to stay in the Batfleck business for a little longer.

A new rumor has surfaced saying that a screening of Batman v. Superman just took place for the film’s crew and Warner Bros. executive, and Zack Snyder‘s working cut of the movie got a standing ovation from those in attendance. That’s not hard to achieve in a room of people that worked on a movie, but reportedly Ben Affleck does such a good job in this movie that the studio wants him for an entire Batman trilogy instead of just one more more.

Den of Geek is behind this latest rumor, which isn’t entirely surprising. If Warner Bros. was already interested in having a solo Batman movie with Ben Affleck staring, writing and directing, then they were likely already wanting a solo Batman franchise outside of Batman v. Superman and eventually Justice League.