JAPAN Turning KFCs Into FANCY BARS. Chicken Grease & Bad Decisions.

Nothing says let’s get buzzed like some grease in the slop-gut. Cracking open a Budweiser and mowing a 12-piece of chicken while rooting on Amorphous Sports Team X is an American tradition. Always has been, always will be. However Japan is looking to wield the two mightiest of American delicacies: greasy and alcohol in an unlikely place. KFCs.


For decades, KFC has been a Japanese fast food staple. Whether it’s  Christmas dinner  orbaseball superstitions, Japan is enamored with The Colonel. And the country is about to get a really fancy one.

A new KFC is opening in Tokyo’s Shimo-Kitazawa. It’s aimed at late night customers in their 20s and 30s, and it won’t only offer fried chicken with 11 herbs and spices, but also over forty different kinds of booze.

Not all restaurants will undergo this metamorphosis. KFC plans to convert over 50 Tokyo area restaurants into late night haunts for drinking and finger licking. Tonight tastes so good!