Video: 7 Year-Old Fighting Leukemia Gets To Fight Crime As BATMAN For A Day. Warming Of Heart.

The occasional tenderness of the human spirit! Gives the average passerby a glow. Take this as an example. A youngin’ of nothing more than 7 years-old is fighting leukemia. He also loves Batman. Through various strings being pulled, the good lad got to fight crime for a day as the Righteous Rodent.

Hit the jump for details and video.

Fashionably Geek:

Kye is a 7-year-old Batman fan that is suffering from leukemia. The Arlington Police and Fire Departments partnered up with A Wish with Wings foundation to make his dream of playing Batman come true. That doesn’t mean they just gave him the costume though–they went much farther than that. They arranged for the Joker to hold up a bank, there were fake bombs, the Riddler showed up —  the story is right out of the pages of a comic book. Young Kye even received a key to the city