‘METAL GEAR’ Has Sold 31.1 Million Over Its Lifetime. Lots of Rations (Groan)

Metal Gear  has been holding it down in our collective gaming brain-pieces for a while now. At the very least since Kojima went CINEMATIC on our asses in the original MGS, it not before that. It isn’t surprising then that the series has sold in droves, though I wouldn’t have been able to put a finger on the amount. Or a finger on my nose. ‘Cause I’m drunk with stealth. You heard me.


The Metal Gear franchise has done remarkably well for itself since its introduction 25 years ago. Including every single Metal Gear release, from the original  Metal Gear  on the MSX2 through  Metal Gear Solid HD  Collection  for the 360 and PS3, Hideo Kojima’s groundbreaking masterclass in theatrics and stealth has amassed 31.1 million units sold, as of December 31, 2011.

To put that in perspective via a completely arbitrary and meaningless number crunch, that’s 3.8 Metal Gear games sold for every person living in New York City. Put another way, if you took every Metal Gear game ever sold and laid them all end to end, the resulting line of cartridges, discs and boxes would stretch all the way from San Francisco to  somewhere else.

G’damn! They should celebrate this milestone by putting out a Metal Gear Solid  starring Snake. You know. Actual Snake. One where you play as Snake, and it isn’t some old geezer or a clone, or a clone of a tree branch that scraped Big Boss in 1492 or whatever. Actual. Fucking. Snake.